Miso Marinated Black Cod

Do you wanna recreate that Unforgettable Miso-Marinated Black Cod from your favorite Japanese restaurant at home? Here is the super-easy black cod recipe everyone has been asking for! Our version features Yuzu Miso, which makes for the perfect 1-ingredient marinade.




  1. Sprinkle ½ tsp salt over each fillet, distributing evenly. Leave for 30 minutes. The purpose of this step is to remove the fishy smell and draw excess moisture out of the fish.

  2. After 30 minutes, lightly dab fish with paper towels to absorb excess water.

  3. Spread 1 Tbsp Yuzu Miso on each fillet and place fillets in a container. Cover with plastic wrap for best results. Marinate in refrigerator for 3hours.

  4. When ready to cook, place parchment paper on a wide pan to keep the fish from burning or sticking to the pan. Broil the fillets using a mid to high setting until light brown, positioning the pan on the lower rack to prevent burning. Keep a close eye as it cooks to ensure perfection.

  5. Optionally serve with sliced lemon.

Guest UserYuzu Miso